
capture fishery中文什么意思

发音:   用"capture fishery"造句
  • 捕捞渔业
  • capture:    n. 1.捕获,夺得;【原子能】俘获,掳掠,掠夺。 2. ...
  • fishery:    n. 1.渔业,水产业。 2.渔场。 3.打鱼执照,捕鱼 ...
  • fishery:    n. 1.渔业,水产业。 2.渔场。 3.打鱼执照,捕鱼权。 4.渔业公司;养鱼术。 the pearl fishery 采珠场。
  • capture:    n. 1.捕获,夺得;【原子能】俘获,掳掠,掠夺。 2.俘虏;捕获品,战利品。 vt. 1.俘获,捕获。 2.攻夺;取,夺取,夺得(奖品等);赢得,引起(注意等)。 3.[转议]记录,接收,拍摄。 captured river 被戳断的河流。 n. -r 捕获者,俘获者。
  • to capture:    捉取
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. No residual impacts on capture fisheries and fish culture operations are anticipated
  2. The department provides infrastructural support services to promote efficient and sustainable production of the local capture fishery and aquaculture industry
  3. The construction of the desalination plant and temporary barging point will result in minor temporary losses of fishing grounds , but it is not expected to be a significant impact on capture fisheries
    3 . 13化淡厂和临时停泊点的建造工程会造成轻微的暂时性捕鱼场损失,但并不会对该区渔业构成明显影响。
  4. Actively promoting the development of off - shore capture fishery through financial and policy support , conserving in - shore ecological resources , and assisting in - shore fishermen in transforming their operations , so as to improve their livelihood



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